Lake Worth Restoration Company - Palm Beach County


Modern-day Palm Beach County was once inhabited primarily by Native American tribes, who had lived here for centuries. However, it was the arrival of Henry Flagler in 1892 that marked a watershed moment in the region’s history. Flagler, who described the land as a “veritable paradise”, started purchasing lands and was followed suit by several others, causing a small boom. At the turn of the century, almost half a dozen hotels had cropped in the County, ushering in an era of prosperity.

Palm trees: Sowed by man and swayed by nature

Even though coconut palm is not native to Florida, a lush grove of palm trees dot its coast. As the story goes, a Spanish ship called Providencia ran aground off Palm Beach in 1878. The locals rushed to the beach and salvaged the only cargo it was carrying in abundance – coconuts. The coconuts, too many to be consumed, were planted by the residents along the coast which is famously now replete with coconut trees.

But sad as it may sound, Palm Beach’s story is not just of transformation and progress, but also of death and destruction. While the region saw its phases of boom, it was also forced to submit to the will of nature on more than one occasions. Be it the deadly Hurricane Okeechobee of 1928 which resulted in thousands of deaths as well as widespread destruction or the Category 4 catastrophic storm of 1949 which wrecked everything in its path, Palm Beach has been rattled time and again by a series of calamities. But the County found the strength to recover after each storm due to the sheer resilience of its community and the able assistance of restoration experts like Lake Worth Restoration Company.

Our role in Palm Beach:

The beauty of Palm Beach is famous not just in Florida, but across the United States. And our capable experts work day and night to ensure that it remains intact. Whether it’s natural disasters like hurricanes, floods or fire or localized incidents like plumbing failures, our experts are readily available for help on 561-342-1965 and would restore your property to its pre-damaged state in the fastest time possible.

We’re best because:

  • Lake Worth Restoration Company Lake Worth, FL 561-342-1965We are around 24x7x365
  • We deliver at lightning quick speed – 30 minutes or less!
  • We are equipped with best-in-class tools
  • We offer a complete range of restoration services
  • We ensure smooth settlement of insurance claims
  • We refrain from shortchanging our customers or adding hidden charges

What we offer?

Disaster mitigation: Be it rains, floods, or hailstorm, our experts are fast to assess the extent of damage and waste no time in drawing up effective solutions to minimize the impact.

All types of damage: Right from mold growth to elusive pipe leaks, our restoration experts can identify and eliminate all your problems in a trice.

Reconstruction: Has a fire breakout taken the life out of your property? Has water damage eaten away your walls? Don’t worry. Lake Worth Restoration Company can reconstruct damaged areas and make your property as good as new.

Makeover: Do you think your house needs a refreshing makeover? Simply call our experts and they will bring your vision to life!

Call our helpline 561-342-1965 to avail our services in the following cities in Palm Beach County!

Lake Worth, FL, Boca Raton, FL, Boynton Beach, FL, Delray Beach, FL, Greenacres, FL, North Palm Beach, FL, Palm Beach, FL, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Royal Palm Beach, FL, West Palm Beach, FL